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Modifying Weapons & Armor

Weapons and Armor may have Special Qualities that make them unique. Unless noted otherwise, Weapons can be modified by a maximum of three qualities. Armor must have one of the following qualities: Flak, Light Plating, Heavy Plating, or Battle Plating. These determine its Base Armor rating and limit how many other qualities may be added to the armor.

YouDuring Downtime, you can try to remove a quality by spending 250cr or by making a relevant Attribute check, thenand store it in your inventory.inventory by making a TEC + (Armament or Vehicles) check using the following guidelines. If you fail, you cannot make the check to remove the same quality again until your next Downtime.

At the GM's discretion, stored qualities can then be installed on similar items.items when you Rest or take Downtime. The GM may determine that certain objects cannot benefit from qualities that do not make sense for that object. Example: A vehicle may not add the Plating, Reflective, Power Frame, and Jet Pack qualities.

Otherwise, characters can pay the associated cost to add a modification listed in the following sections. This reflects the price of materials, bribes, or other means to modify an object and gain the desired quality. Some factors may multiply the cost of the modification: