The following section lists many types of other items or kits you might find or purchase in the game, denoted with the following format:
- Item Name (Cost: # of credits): Special Qualities or Notes
- Survival Pack (Cost: 200cr): Includes backpack, rations, syntherope, glowrod, medpac, mesh tape, and breathing mask.
- Glowrod (Cost: 25cr): Consumable. Sheds light up to Short range for up to six hours.
- Mesh Tape (Cost: 25cr): Consumable. A non-Wounded droid you treat with the mesh tape immediately regains Resolve equal to your Droids skill (minimum of 1.) Mesh tape can also be used to patch various problems requiring quick fixes—consider it space glue.
- Rations (Cost: 25cr): Consumable. One week of basic rations, water, and vitamins.
- Syntherope (Cost: 25cr): Can extend 150 feet and securely hold up to 2,000 pounds.
- All-Weather Cloak (Cost: 100cr): Add +1D to dice checks to resist extreme weather and temperatures.
- Breath Mask (Cost: 100cr): Provides oxygen and filters smoke and toxins for up to 12 hours.
- Fusion Lantern (Cost: 100cr): Sheds light and warmth up to Short range. Deals 2D Energy [Explosive] damage to anyone in Close range when broken.
- Binders (Cost: 30cr): Consumable. You can apply the binders to a willing, unconscious, or defeated target to apply the Restrained quality to them. If you release the binders, the item can be reused.
- Comlink (Cost: 75cr): You can use the comlink to communicate on open channels within 10,000 miles as long as the signal does not suffer interference.
- Datapad (Cost: 100cr): You can use the datapad to display, store, and access data, interface with droids and computers, or connect to the holonet as long as the signal does not suffer interference.
- Data Spike (Cost: 100cr): Consumable. Gain +2D to a TEC + (Computers or Droids) check to splice a computer, electronically locked door, or droid.
- Jambreaker (Cost: 100cr): Consumable. Gain +1D to a MEC + Sensors check to break a signal jam. The device you plug the jambreaker into becomes damaged after the check resolves.
- Macrobinoculars (Cost: 100cr): You gain +1D to PER + Search checks at Long and Extreme ranges.
- Comlink Extender (Cost: 200cr): You gain +1D to checks to break a signal jam and can use your comlink to communicate on channels within the same star system.
- Comlink Scrambler (Cost: 200cr): You can create a secure, encrypted channel for comlinks by making a TEC + Sensors check. A splicer can only access your channel by making an equal or better MEC + Sensors check.
- Tracking Device (Cost: 500cr): Consumable. Use a datapad or ship computer to track a tagged person or object across any distance as long as the signal does not suffer interference.
- Short Range Signal Jammer (Cost: 500cr): You can make a TEC + Sensors check to jam types of signals you choose within 1 mile. A splicer can only break your jam by making an equal or better MEC + Sensors check using an appropriate device.
- Planetary Signal Jammer (Cost: 5,000cr): You can make a TEC + Sensors check (with +1D bonus) to jam types of signals you choose within 10,000 miles. A splicer can only break your jam by making an equal or better MEC + Sensors check using an appropriate device.
- System Signal Jammer (Cost: 50,000cr): You can make a TEC + Sensors check (with +2D bonus) to jam types of signals you choose within an entire star system. A splicer can only break your jam by making an equal or better MEC + Sensors check using an appropriate device.
- Medpac (Cost: 100cr): Consumable. A non-Wounded organic character you treat with the medpac immediately regains Resolve equal to your Medicine skill (minimum of 1.) If you spend an hour treating them, make a TEC + Medicine check—they regain 1 Resolve if they were Wounded. Otherwise, they regain Resolve equal to half the result (rounded down.)
- Medical Kit (Cost: 250cr): When you spend at least an hour using the medical kit, you gain +1D to TEC + Medicine checks to treat injuries or illnesses and diagnose ailments.
- Repair Kit (Cost: 250cr): Consumable. If you spend an hour using the repair kit to treat a damaged droid, make a TEC + Droids check—they regain 1 Resolve if they were Wounded. Otherwise, they regain Resolve equal to half the result (rounded down.) If you spend 6 hours using the repair kit, you can repair damaged armor by making a TEC + Armament check equal to its Base Armor Rating—the armor regains Base Armor Rating equal to double your Armament rank (minimum of 1.) If you spend 12 hours using the repair kit, you can repair a vehicle by making a TEC + Vehicles check (TN 10 for Speeders, TN 15 for Small Starships, and TN 20 for Large Starships)—the vehicle regains Resolve equal to your Vehicles skill (minimum of 1.)
- Toolkit (Cost 500cr): If you spend an hour using the toolkit, gain +1D on a check to repair or modify droids, equipment, Speeders, or Small Starships.
- Force Alchemy Kit (Cost: 2,000cr): If you spend 6 hours using the kit, gain +1D to FOR + Xenology checks to modify a living creature's DNA. When you use the kit on a Project check, gain an additional Project Point.
- Khyber Crystal (Cost: 2,000 - 10,000cr): Required to create a lightsaber and other powerful weapons. Cost varies per rarity.
- Holocron (Cost: 15,000cr): Contains lost Jedi and Sith secrets of the Force.
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