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Since the defeat of the Galactic Empire and the First Order in the past half-century, the New Republic has focused its attention on rebuilding infrastructure in the Galactic Core and Inner Rim. To expedite its economic recovery, the Senate has taken an increasingly corporate-friendly stance on trade and law, largely leaving the Outer Rim to its own governing devices. Centrists currently control much of the government, led by First Senator Ransolm Casterfo, a Resistance veteran who fought against the First Order.

Meanwhile, the Outer Rim has seen unprecedented economic growth in the past several decades. Coupled with fears rising from wars past, this has led to seismic shifts in political influence and a populist notion that key Outer Rim worlds should form a more organized multi-system government to help manage growth. Two separate political movements actively seek partners to gain the approval of their governments from trade partners and senators in the New Republic.

Notable neutral worlds in the Outer Rim include:

  • Kessel and Oba Diah, under the control of the Spice Runners of Kijimi until the recent war destroyed their organization. Following its collapse, the current state and leadership of the isolated system are unknown. The Hutt Clan, involved in the system war, also retreated following significant losses after the arrival of an Imperial remnant armada led by General Krayt.
  • Dagobah, a remote and barely occupied world currently serving as the home to the New Jedi Order founded by Master Rey and Master A'sharrad Hett to promote, first and foremost, the balance between the Light and Dark sides of the Force. Only several decades old, half of the Order's Jedi Knights perished during a mission to recover A'sharrad Hett when he went missing on the planet Kessel. In his absence, Rey has promoted Traa Paas to Jedi Master upon his return with news of the war in Kessel.
  • Ossus, a remote and barely occupied world housing the New Jedi Order's archives. The Force-rich planet is a pilgrimage site for Padawans when they become promoted to Jedi Knights, and the masked members who oversee its archives are a secret to all but the Order's Jedi Masters.

Confederacy of Independent Systems. Despite the organization's prior history tied to the Separatist movement, its return is broadly supported by major corporations across the galaxy—with a founding council led by King Ech-Charr of Mon Cala. Ech-Charr has pushed for non-violent expansion and inclusive policies, careful not to incite further galactic conflicts.

Significant worlds expressing possible interest in joining the Confederacy of Independent Systems include:

  • Mon Cala, with populist support for becoming the Confederacy's capital. King Ech-Charr is the most vocal proponent of the Confederacy and has the Mon Calamari peoples' support, but is opposed locally by many Quarren politicians and merchants.
  • Ryloth, with corporate support for becoming the Confederacy's capital. While many of the Rylothian Crown's court support joining the Confederacy, Queen Churla has thus far resisted the populist movement, instead focusing on an independent Ryloth-first future for the wealthy world.
  • Arkania, a New Republic world vying for independence in hopes of positioning itself as a key trade route of the Confederacy. King Ech-Charr's support of Arkania joining the Confederacy has caused friction between the forming government and the New Republic—strongly opposed by First Senator Casterfo. The Arkanian Dominion, led by Siris of House Adasca, is seeking scientific corporations' support to strong-arm Casterfo to allow them to leave the New Republic.
  • Kamino, a Wild Space world experiencing a multicultural boom in the last two decades. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Koa Ne, Kamino has much to offer the confederacy, but its joining comes with a stipulation—its ancient enemy Mandalore must be left out of the new government.

Outer Rim Confederacy. The organization is still in its infant stages, years behind the efforts of King Ech-Charr's Confederacy of Independent Systems. Whereas their opposing government seeks a more lawful, corporate-friendly future for the Outer Rim, the Outer Rim Confederacy proposes a looser governmental structure focusing on personal freedoms and opposing corporate and New Republic influence. Notably, it has the backing of the Hutt Clan, which has returned to power under the strong leadership of Supreme Mogul Baco Presta Masi.

Significant worlds expressing possible interest in joining the Outer Rim Confederacy include:

  • Nar Shaddaa, the heavily industrialized urban moon of Nal Hutta, ruled by Supreme Mogul Baco Presta Masi. Disagreement over a proposed capital world of the Confederacy was quickly snuffed when negotiators agreed upon allowing three distinct capital worlds with equal influence over governing decisions.
  • Tatooine, under the leadership of Daimyo Boba Fett. Despite Boba Fett's age, his reputation as a warrior and leader remains as strong as ever. Recently, his peace accord with the Hutt Clan and opposition to Rylothian corporate expansion has caused the previous backwater planet to experience a boom of free traders, smugglers, businesses, spice farmers, and individuals looking for a promising fresh start.
  • Mandalore, with significant disagreement between its clans over accepting the Confederacy's offer to become its third capital world. Nearly extinct, most Mandalorians believe they should join a greater galactic government to survive and regrow their population. Current Mandalore Bo-Katan and her supporters, primarily Clan Wren, have unpopularly proposed joining the New Republic. Traditionalists, led by Clan Madak, have more popularly proposed joining the Confederacy. The disagreements have led to increasing instances of infighting and political instability.