The Kessel System
The System
The Kessel system, also known as the Kessa system, is a star system located in the Kessel secto...
Oba Diah
Oba Diah is a planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories that was the homeworld of th...
Kessel is a planet within the Akkadese Maelstrom that hosts significant spice mines. The planet a...
Mahina, designated IX3766-B and known as the Ocean Moon of Kessel, is a temperate ocean moon or...
Settlement: Oli
THE VILLAGE OF OLI The largest settlement on the isles is Oli (population ~1,000), a seaside v...
The Order of the Four
The near-human species native to the moon Dokiri refer to themselves as the Children of the Fou...
Moon: Dokiri
Dokiri, designated IX366-C and known as the...