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Using the Force

Characters with the Force Sensitive edge can make Force checks to read thoughts, sense lifeforms, move objects telepathically, manipulate minds, and push themselves to their physical and mental limits. Some exceptional Force Abilities require characters to take additional edges. Beyond those abilities, the players can be imaginative, drawing inspiration from the Star Wars universe; the GM adjudicates, calling for appropriate FOR checks. Complicated Force Rituals may require multiple successful dice checks, with each failed check presenting unexpected mystical results.

Using the Force for mundane actions or when there is no risk or narrative significance, such as floating a piece of fruit across the room or closing a door, does not require a dice check.

Force Attacks

When you Attack using the Force, spend a Force Point to target a character within Short range. For each additional Force Point you spend, increase the range by two zones.

Make a FOR + (Alter or Dark Side) Attack roll against your target's Defense—or against an opposed FOR + (Alter or Redemption) check if the target has the Force Sensitive Edge.

On a success, you deal damage equal to half the result of your attack roll, rounded down. This damage ignores armor without the Mystical quality.

The Dark Side and Corruption Points

When a Force-user draws upon the Force in anger, frustration, or ambition, they tap into the Dark Side. The further one falls into that shadow, the more potential power a Force user unlocks—but at a significant cost. The more corrupted they become, the more their appearance and behavior may change horrifically over time, and they become more likely to be influenced by even darker, more powerful beings.

Characters can gain Corruption Points by becoming corrupted by artifacts, powerful Dark Side users, choices they make in the story, or leaning into the Dark Side when they spend a Force Point. When a character reaches 6 Corruption Points, they permanently fall to the Dark Side.

At the GM's discretion, Corruption Points may be removed through the story. They may also require characters who have fallen to the Dark Side to be retired and become NPCs.

Force Checks

The following table lists examples of possible uses of the Force, the appropriate skill, and the recommended TN. This is not the limit of what the Force can do, but it is a foundation.

At the GM's discretion, the TN ranges may increase under extreme duress or when opposed by other Force users and Force resistance creatures.

Force Jump up to a higher elevationAlter5-10
Calm a friendly character's mindControl5-10
Sense emotional states or coming dangerSense5-10
Stir up anger in a friendly characterDark Side5-10
Fix something simple that is brokenRedemption5-10
Lift a heavy object with your mindAlter10-15
Mask your mind from enemiesControl10-15
Read a creature's surface thoughtsSense10-15
Inflict fear upon an enemyDark Side10-15
Ease the pain of someone sufferingRedemption10-15
Pull or push a creature with your mind
Influence a creature's behavior
Sense elements of an object or person's historySense15-20
Inflict anger or fear upon a group of peopleDark Side15-20
Resist the influence of the Dark SideRedemption15-20
Affect the local climateAlter20-30
Hide your physical presence from othersControl20-30
Communicate with others at a great distanceSense20-30
Tap into unspeakably dark and spiritual forcesDark Side20-30
Help a group of people resist the influence of the Dark SideRedemption20-30