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Dice Checks

Star Wars only uses six-sided dice to resolve its gameplay. The GM calls for a dice check when a character attempts something challenging, dangerous, or risky. The player gathers a number of dice equal to the dice rating of the applicable attribute, rolls them, adds the applicable skill's rating to their sum, and compares the total to the dice check’s target number (TN). There are six different types of dice checks:

  • Attribute Rolls determine how successful you are at skill-based challenges.
  • Attack Rolls determine if you can hit a target successfully enough to deal damage to their Resolve.
  • Damage Rolls determine how much Resolve a target can potentially lose.
  • Exploding Rolls are used when called for, adding an extra die to the sum every time you roll a 6.
  • Flat Rolls are used for any circumstances not covered above.

Modifying Checks

Dice Pool represents the total number of six-sided dice rolled when making a Dice Check.

Dice Checks can be modified with as low as a -2D total penalty and as high as a +2D total bonus. Bonuses and penalties are subtracted from the Dice Pool before rolling the check. Dice Pools can never be less than 1D or greater than 7D. Dice Checks can be modified in the following ways:

  • Before rolling, you can spend a Knowledge Point to add +1D to your check.
  • After rolling, you can spend a Force Point to reroll and add +1D to your check.
  • Specific tools and items may provide a +1D to a check.
  • The GM can add or subtract one or two dice from a check to represent advantageous or disadvantageous conditions.

Opposed Checks

When a character opposes another character's check, they each roll and compare results. The highest result wins. On a tie, the character who initiated the check wins.

Target Numbers

Target numbers represent the number required to meet or exceed a successful dice check. TNs have five levels of challenge: Easy (5-10), Moderate (10-15), Difficult (15-20), and Improbable (20-30+). Examples:

Catch a falling objectDEX + Agility5-10
Kick open an unlocked doorSTR + Athletics5-10
Notice an object or movement that stands outPER + Search5-10
Recall context around a reasonably common subjectKNO + Galaxy5-10
Drive a common but unfamiliar vehicle along an easy routeMEC + Drive5-10
Make minor repairs to a simple weapon
TEC + Armament5-10
Sense emotional states or coming dangerFOR + Sense5-10
Pickpocketing a distracted merchantDEX + Steal10-15
Threatening a thug to back downSTR + Intimidate10-15
Convincing an angry group that you mean them no harmPER + Persuade10-15
Making a local connection with a criminal organizationKNO + Streetwise10-15
Navigating charted hyper-lanesMEC + Astrogation10-15
Diagnose and treat a common injuryTEC + Medicine10-15
Lift a heavy object with your mindFOR + Alter10-15
Shoot a distant object to set off a trapDEX + Blasters15-20
Resist the effects of extreme climates and weatherSTR + Stamina15-20
Lie to a grand jury on trialPER + Deceive15-20
Identify rare fauna that can offer a helpful benefitKNO + Survival15-20
Successfully land a starship amidst challenging environsMEC + Pilot15-20
Splice a secure computer systemTEC + Computers15-20
Inflict fear upon an enemyFOR + Dark Side15-20
Evading a hail of blaster crossfireDEX + Agility20-30
Tear the ears off a GundarkSTR + Athletics20-30
Pinpoint a key strategic weakness during an Imperial siegePER + Tactics20-30
Translate a forgotten languageKNO + Xenology20-30
Break a strong system-wide communications jamMEC + Sensors20-30
Design a unique droid modelTEC + Droids20-30
Use a legendary Force abilityFOR + Any20-30