The following Edges represent your mastery over unique Force abilities that allow you to tap into advanced forms of telekinesis to affect the world around you.
Prerequisites: Alter 1 and Dark Side 3
You can use an action to spend two Force Points to super-agitate and ignite the molecules in a nearby area. Make an opposed FOR + Alter vs (FOR + Alter) or (STR + Stamina) check against all characters in one zone within Long range. Anything flammable in that zone is set ablaze, and all characters who fail their check take 4D Explosive [Environmental | Burning] damage. For each additional Force Point you spend, target another zone within range.
Prerequisites: Alter 2 and Dark Side 4
You can use an action to spend three Force points to slow down the molecules around a target, causing its temperature to drop rapidly. Objects become more brittle, allowing you to break them more easily. Characters become fragile—attacks against them gain the Breaking special quality, and they lose double Resolve from all sources until the effect ends. The effect lasts until you dismiss it, are reduced to 0 Resolve, or the end of the next encounter or rest.
Empower Weapon
Prerequisites: Alter 3
You can use an action to spend a Force Point and empower one Melee (Light or Heavy) or Brawl weapon within Short range with an energy field. The weapon deals +1D damage. For each additional Force Point you spend, the weapon gains one of the following special qualities: Breaking, Piercing, or Reflective 1. The effect lasts until you dismiss it, are reduced to 0 Resolve, or the end of the next encounter or rest.
Prerequisites: Alter 2
You can use an action to attempt to push characters large distances using telekinesis. For each Force Point you spend, you can target up to two more characters in range. Make a FOR + Alter attribute check opposed by a target’s STR + Athletics or FOR + Control. Droids have a +1D bonus to their check to resist. On a success, push the target one zone away, but not into hazards. If you spend an additional Force Point after succeeding, you can push targets one additional zone in the same direction and into hazards.
Prerequisites: Alter 2 and Redemption 2
You can use an action to add your Alter rank to your Armor Rating to resist Energy and Kinetic damage until the start of your next turn. If you spend a Force Point, either add double your Alter rank instead—or extend the effect to allies within Close range.
Prerequisites: Alter 3
You can use an action and spend a Force Point to try to hold a target within Short range within a stasis field. Make a FOR + Alter check opposed by the target's STR + Athletics, KNO + Willpower, or FOR + Control check. On a success, the target cannot move or take actions until the start of their next turn. This effect ends if the target takes damage. Attacks against the target gain a +2D bonus while they remain in stasis.
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