Milestones & Advancements
Reaching Milestones
At their discretion, the GM awards characters with a Milestone at the end of an adventure—or when they achieve a significant goal in the campaign story. For short campaigns, GMs might reward Milestones every few sessions, while longer ongoing campaigns may achieve Milestones every 5-10 sessions.
When a character receives a Milestone, they choose two Minor Advancements and one Major Advancement.
Minor Advancements
Upon achieving a Milestone, choose two different advancements from the following list:
- Increase one Attribute by 1D (up to 3D max)
- Increase four different Skills by +1 (up to +1 max)
- Increase two different Skills by +1 (up to +3 max)
- Increase one Skill by +2 (up to +3 max)
- Improve one Skill by +1 (up to +6 max)
Major Advancements
Upon achieving a Milestone, choose one advancement from the following list:
- Increase two different Attributes by 1D (up to 3D max)
- Increase one Attribute by 1D (up to 6D max)
- Increase four different Skills by +1 (up to +3 max)
- Increase two different Skills by +2 (up to +3 max)
- Increase one Skill by +1 (up to +6 max) and gain an Edge (see Edges)
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